Test your Challenges


  • Each Test-Your-Challenge is allocated 60 minutes. Please ensure that the workshop duration adheres to the allocated time slot, allowing participants to have refreshments and a break between sessions.  

  • All rooms have a classroom or amphitheater set-up (depending on the number of participants you can accommodate in your workshop) and are equipped with a beamer and a computer. If you have any specific requirements with regards to the room, please do not hesitate to contact the organizing committee by e-mail (cblconference@tue.nl).  

  • For proper room allocation and setting up a registration system for the workshops, we need to know the maximum number of participants you can accommodate in your Test-Your-Challenge. Please note that if you would like to accommodate more than 28 people, the room will be set up in amphi theatre. Please, provide us with this information by e-mail (cblconference@tue.nl). 

  • Prepare any materials or resources you may need for your Test- 
    Your-Challenge and bring them with you to the conference. If you are unable to bring certain materials, please inform the organizing committee by e-mail (cblconference@tue.nl) to discuss how we can help you.  

  •  Please arrive in your scheduled room (see program) at least 10 minutes before your workshop begins.   

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