Looking back at the CBL Conference 2023

On June 15, 2023 the first National Challenge-Based Learning (CBL) Conference took take place in Eindhoven. Over 250 education and research professionals gathered to discuss CBL and its impact on educating future engineers. Ines Lopez Arteaga highlighted the significant role of CBL in TU/e's Bachelor College curricula, setting the tone for the conference. Isabelle Reymen's keynote on CBL and the case of innovation Space added valuable insights into Challenge-Based Learning and its Ecosystem.

The event featured workshops, presentations, and roundtables on course & curriculum design, student learning, and teaching & teacher learning. Field trips to proto-zone and TU/e innovation Space were an added option. We congratulate Robin de Graaf, Adina Imanbayeva, Raymond Loohuis from the University of Twente for winning the poster prize with Challenge Up! a digital tool facilitating the transition to CBL in existing higher education courses.

Scientific Committee

  • Antoine van den Beemt, TU/e (Eindhoven School of Education; chair)
  • Perry den Brok, WUR (Dept. of Social Sciences) and 4TU.CEE
  • Karolina Doulougeri, TU/e (Eindhoven School of Education)
  • Sonia Gomez Puente, TU/e (General Affairs)
  • Kerstin Helker, TU/e (innovation Space)
  • Diana Martin, TU/e (Dept. of Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences)
  • Birgit Pepin, TU/e (Eindhoven School of Education)
  • Ana Valencia Cardona, TU/e (innovation Space)
  • Esther Ventura-Medina, TU/e (Eindhoven School of Education) and 4TU.CEE
  • Jan Vermunt, TU/e (Eindhoven School of Education)

Organising Committee

  • Michael Bots, TU/e (General Affairs; chair)
  • Eugenio Bravo, TU/e (innovation Space)
  • Karolina Doulougeri, TU/e (Eindhoven School of Education)
  • Daphne van Geemen, TU/e (innovation Space) 
  • Anne-Marie van den Hurk, TU/e (innovation Space, communication)
  • Caroline Vonk, TU/e (Eindhoven School of Education) and 4TU.CEE
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