
Keynote Speaker: Isabelle Reymen

Click here for proceedings: Keynote National CBL Conference 2023 Isabelle Reymen.pdf

Theme: Course & Curriculum design

Oral presentations

Diana Martin: Recommendations for implementing experiential learning in large classes: a systematic literature review.

Federico Toschi: Design and scaling up of CBL at TU/e. Click here for proceeding: 11222_CBL-conference-template_full_paper_research-practice-poster-final.pdf

Suzanne Groothuijsen: Including lab experiments in Challenge-Based Learning. Click here for proceeding: CBL-conference-proceedings_Research-paper_Including-lab-experiments-in-CBL.pdf

Sonia Gomez Puente: Curriculum redesign to facilitate self-directed learning in Challenge-Based Education. Click here for proceeding: Curriculum redesign to facilitate SDL in CBE-Extended abstract-docx.pdf

Elena Torta: Scaffolding student learning by scrum tools in Challenge-Based Education of student teams. Click here for proceeding: FINAL_CBL-conference-camera-ready.pdf

Marieke Thurlings: Educational design research: Challenge-Based teacher education. Click here for proceeding: Thurlings-et-al-FINAL_CBL-conference-proceedings_template_full-paper_research-practice-poster.pdf

Jasmina Lazendic-Galloway: Exploring the application of plasma physics in the industry through CBL.

Heidi Muijzer-Witteveen: Integration of CBL in the MSC robotics programme at the UT – the implementation and first results. Click here for proceeding: CBL-conference-paper-MSc-Robotics.pdf


Meghan Rens & Mariëlle Verhoef: Challenge-Based Learning: a lifelong learning opportunity for professionals?

Michele Gerbrands: Playing the Grand CBL game to create and reflect on your own design based on a real-life highly complex problem. Click here for the proceeding: FINAL_CBL-conference-proceedings_template_workshop_Playing-The-Grand-CBL-Game-_MCG.pdf


Irene Visscher: Overcoming team-challenges in designing Challenge-Based Education: incorporating team-processes in educational design models. Click here for the proceeding: CBL_Roundtable_CADDIE_extended-summary-1.pdf

Kerstin Helker: The power of assessment as learning in Challenge-Based Learning.

Poster presentations

Canan Mesutoglu: A Challenge-Based Learning course: investigating perceived usefulness for students.

Raymond Loohuis: A digital tool for facilitating the transition towards CBL in existing higher education courses. Click here for proceeding: Challenge-Up_Poster_Proceedings.pdf

Heidi Muijzer-Witteveen: Robotics CBL variant – integration of CBL in the MSc Robotics programme at the UT. Click here for proceeding: CBL-conference-poster-paper-CBL-in-MSc-Robotics.pdf

Vincent Merk: Implementing Challenge-Based Learning to create diversity & inclusion in higher education.

Anne Limburg: Stakeholder impact in a CBL course for Applied Physics and Mechnical Engineering students. Click here for proceeding: CBL-conference_full_paper_AnneLimburg.pdf

Federico Toschi: How can interdisciplinary CBL help students learn to address societal challenges.

Alessandro GabbanaAn online educational platform for scaling up Challenge–Based Learning education.

Gunter Bombaerts: Ecosystem education. Reflecting on universities' intra- and inter-organisational consequences of Challenge-Based Learning.

Leanne Jansen-Schreurs: One size fits all? DBE as an educational concept to bridge the gap between strategy and practice.

Theme: Student learning

Oral presentations

Karolina Doulougeri: A temporal analysis of students' learning in CBL.

Julia Kasch: Sustainable cities of the future with online CBL. Click here for proceeding: FINAL_CBL-conference-proceedings_template_full-paper_research-practice-poster-Kasch-et-al.pdf

Ulises Salinas Hernandez: Mathematics and physics students' learning experiences in a Challenge-Based course: the role of a digital resource. Click here for proceeding: FINAL_CBL-conference-proceedings_full-paper_research.pdf

Kerstin Helker: What are they taking with them? Lasting learning experiences of CBL alumni.

Katusha Sol: Students as change agents: an evaluation of the Transition Cycle Method.

Ana Valencia: Competence development through assessment: a pilot on assessment as learning in CBL education with support of a digital platform. Click here for proceeding: Competence-Development-through-Assessment.pdf

Rosanne van Wieringen: Creating transformative practitioners with Challenge-Based Learning.

Gemma O'Sullivan: What actors participate in transdisciplinary Challenge-Based Learning and what role do they play in student learning? Click here for proceeding: FINAL_CBL-conference-proceedings_osullivan-et-al-roles-in-TCBL-.pdf


Ruurd Taconis: UNION: Tangible tool for CBL alignment.

Hedwig Boer: Learning on an across boundaries.


Kariene Mittendorff: Integrating professional identity development in the learning processes of students working in Challenge- Based Learning environments.

Marta Eggers: Spicing-up a challenge: tips & tricks for making Challenge-Based Learning fun.

Poster presentations

Cecilia Martinez: Challenge-Based Learning and student participation in Latin American universities.

Heleen van Ravenswaaij: Evaluating university students' self-perceived generic skills learning: framework development and application.

Kerstin Helker: Re-designing to CBL – an example of ongoing research in practice.

Theme: Teaching & Teacher learning

Oral presentations

Jasmina Lazendic-Galloway: Challenge-Based Learning from teachers perspective.

Nina Bohm: A scaffolding perspective on teacher guidance in Challenge-Based courses. Click here for proceeding: FINAL_CBL-conference-proceedings_osullivan-et-al-roles-in-TCBL-.pdf

Heleen van Ravenswaaij: University teachers' guidance of students in setting and executing personal learning goals during a CBL course.

Hannah Schellekens: Tutor challenges: Student Assistants on their role in CBL. Click here for proceeding: Tutor-Challenges-CBF-conf-2023-aug.pdf


Jolien Strous: Supporting students' self-directedness in Challenge-Based Learning using Coaching for Learning. Click here for proceeding: FINAL_CBL-conference-proceedings_template_workshop_Supporting_students_self-directedness_in_CBL_using_CFL.pdf

Phoenix Wongpimoln: Robot for societal impact: how CBL is facilitated in Mechanical Engineering at TU/e. Click here for proceeding: Robot-for-Societal-Impact_15082023.pdf


Esther Ventura Medina: Digital collaborative learning in CBL – let's not forget the teacher. Click here for proceeding: CBL-conference-2023-Digital-Collaborative-Learning-in-CBL-FullSummary.pdf

Silke van Beekum: Role-taking in transdisciplinary collaboration.

Poster presentations

Luuk Buunk: Scaffolding the development of intercultural competences through a micro-module using the CBL pedagogy: a collaboration of 7 ECIU universities. 

Remon Rooij: Healthy challenges. Click here for proceeding: CBL-conference-Rooij_Mooij-extended-abstract-Healthy-Design-Challenges-DEF.pdf

Hanneke Assen: Design Based Education team model "The quality of successful implementation of Design Based Education depends on the quality of the whole team". Click here for proceeding: Assen-and-Van-Diggelen-CBL-conference-DEF-2.pdf

Poster presentations

Canan Mesutoglu: A Challenge-Based Learning course: investigating perceived usefulness for students.

Raymond Loohuis: A digital tool for facilitating the transition towards CBL in existing higher education courses. Click here for proceeding: Challenge-Up_Poster_Proceedings.pdf

Heidi Muijzer-Witteveen: Robotics CBL variant – integration of CBL in the MSc Robotics programme at the UT. Click here for proceeding: CBL-conference-poster-paper-CBL-in-MSc-Robotics.pdf

Vincent Merk: Implementing Challenge-Based Learning to create diversity & inclusion in higher education.

Anne Limburg: Stakeholder impact in a CBL course for Applied Physics and Mechnical Engineering students. Click here for proceeding: CBL-conference_full_paper_AnneLimburg.pdf

Federico Toschi: How can interdisciplinary CBL help students learn to address societal challenges.

Alessandro GabbanaAn online educational platform for scaling up Challenge–Based Learning education.

Gunter Bombaerts: Ecosystem education. Reflecting on universities' intra- and inter-organisational consequences of Challenge-Based Learning.

Leanne Jansen-Schreurs: One size fits all? DBE as an educational concept to bridge the gap between strategy and practice.

Cecilia Martinez: Challenge-Based Learning and student participation in Latin American universities.

Heleen van Ravenswaaij: Evaluating university students' self-perceived generic skills learning: framework development and application.

Kerstin Helker: Re-designing to CBL – an example of ongoing research in practice.

Luuk Buunk: Scaffolding the development of intercultural competences through a micro-module using the CBL pedagogy: a collaboration of 7 ECIU universities.

Remon Rooij: Healthy challenges. Click here for proceeding: CBL-conference-Rooij_Mooij-extended-abstract-Healthy-Design-Challenges-DEF.pdf

Hanneke Assen: Design Based Education team model "The quality of successful implementation of Design Based Education depends on the quality of the whole team". Click here for proceeding: Assen-and-Van-Diggelen-CBL-conference-DEF-2.pdf

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