Call for submission

Submission guidelines

Please submit your contribution before November 1st, 2024 (there won't be any extensions).

Submission Guidelines: 

We welcome contributions that align with the conference topics 

  1. Research Papers: Present empirical or theoretical research related to CBL and its impact on education and society. 

  2. Practice Papers: Share case studies or practical experiences that highlight the implementation and outcomes of CBL in various educational settings. 

  1. Workshops: Propose interactive sessions that engage participants in hands-on activities and discussions around CBL.

  2. Posters: Show your research and work you have done in a nutshell.  

  3. Test your challenge: Bring your own challenge case and share your educational design with peers and facilitate discussions that can help you shape and improve your design and delivery plans. 

All contributions may comply with the review criteria, which can be found here:  Review criteria CBL conference 2025 contributionpage.docx

Poster papers and 'Test your case' will not be published.

Submission Process: 

There are two choices for submissions: 

  • You can submit 'extended abstracts (max. 1000 words) for research papers, practice papers, posters, workshops and "test your challenge".   

      Extended abstracts of research papers, practice papers and posters will be published in a Book of Abstract containing an ISBN number.  

      Extended abstracts of workshops and 'Test your challenge' will not be published in the Book of Abstracts. 

  • You can submit a full research or practice paper (max 8 pages), using the provided template if you want your research or practice paper to be published in the conference proceedings. 

      The template can be found here: July 2024-Template_full_paper_research-practice-CBL conference 2025 (1).docx 

      Full research or practice papers which will be published in the proceedings using Uniform CC License for the Entire Proceedings: this means that we will choose to 

      apply a single CC license, CC BY, to the entire proceedings. This approach simplifies the process and ensures that all contributions are governed by the same license 

      terms. All authors must agree to this license when submitting their work, which can, again,  be achieved via an agreement. 


Templates for contributions and review criteria: 

This conference employs double-blind peer review, where the author and referee remain anonymous throughout the process. When submitting your contribution, please ensure that it is anonymous to allow for a rigorous and fair review process. All contributions should be submitted blind to allow a high-quality peer review. 


Click on the button below to create an account. After you have created an account you can submit your contribution.

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