Add to Calendar20250407T000120250408T2359CBL 2025
Welcome to the Challenge-Based Learning (CBL) Conference, a premier event dedicated to exploring and advancing the transformative potential of education through challenge-based learning. This conference, themed "Challenging Learners for Global Impact", will be held from 7 to 8 April, 2025 at Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands. This international conference follows the national/Dutch CBL Conference of 2023, during which we noticed the need for an international Challenge-Based Learning Conference. Therefore, we are excited to bring together educators, researchers, practitioners, industry leaders, and community stakeholders from around the world. At the heart of this conference is the belief that education can drive societal transformation. We will delve into how integrating real-world challenges into the curriculum can create meaningful learning experiences that prepare students to tackle complex global issues. By fostering collaboration between educational i... Eindhoven University of TechnologyCBL
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